Choice Matters

CHOICE is a psychological need, as explained in Susan Fowler’s newest book, Master Your Motivation. It got me thinking of wardrobe choices. A wardrobe that’s a true asset empower’s in ways you never dreamed possible!

Steps to Empower Your Appearance:

  1. Find which colors are in harmony to your coloring and discover the contrast ones that help you stand out and be remembered.
  2. Examine your personal body type. Locate your waistline by finding where it indents (you may be surprised to find it’s above where you thought). Same for arms, legs, neckline. Find your smallest areas and hem your garments to meet these indents.
  3. Find your personal aesthetic. Each of us has an aesthetic, developed primarily by our exposure growing up and as an adult. Spend some time at art galleries or museums looking at art, architecture. Take walks to see natural landscapes and natural beauty from the sky to the plants and flowers. Pick favorites!
  4. Find your personal style. Explore what personality you most admire and why? Check out their personal style of dress, accessorizing, and actions. Use them as a case study for finding your best style.
  5. Exposure to fashion. You can explore the couture collections for each season on Once there, search by the season and there will be a list of videos from the actual fashion weeks. Enjoy!

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