What to Wear to Your Virtual Interview

So life has changed. Virtual interviews may replace in-person ones for a while. What’s the one important thing to an interview that has not changed? It’s your first impression. In a Nanosecond, an impression of you is formed based solely on appearance. That’s why your clothing choices can make all the difference. It’s how you communicate your personal identity to others.

Let’s put your plan together for a successful first impression at your future virtual interview.

The goal is to create an appearance that empowers you with respect. In my new book, POWER of Appearance, the narrative spells out how to use stylist tools to improve your appearance. The summary of social psych studies spells out why.

Why Does It Matter? Because What You Wear Speaks Volumes About Who You Are:

  •      It signals social status
  •       It defines roles
  •       It points out authority
  •       It teaches timely appropriateness
  •       Historically it establishes cultural value including differentiation

There are two additional important reasons you want to look your personal best Outwardly you are empowered with positive assumptions from others called “assignments.” For example they may believe you are, “a smart person,” “a nice person,” and “would fit in well with us.”

“The inferences we make about another person’s character and status are made from how we perceive her or his appearance,” (P. A. Andersen, 1984).

Inwardly there’s a cognitive reaction to looking your best, called Enclothed Cognition. It’s the very reason some of the British private schools have students wearing their blazers on test days. They simply perform better. Research shows it works the same for us. Increased self-confidence results in improved performance.

First step is to consider your audience. It’s worth finding out whether there’s a spoken or unspoken dress code at play. Google the name of the company + executives. You may find a company list with pictures. Most will be dressed in a mix of business formal. For men that can be shirt and jacket without a tie. For women it can be turtleneck or blouse with a vest or jacket. This can be a guide as to how formal or casual their leaders dress. 

Next plan how you need to look to fit in with the tribe. Remember, how you dress is not a frivolous exercise. It’s a form of communication. Nonverbal is one more way to speak another’s language. Whether you realize it or not, your appearance will be screaming your identity, non-verbally. Let’s get you in total control of that messaging.

In order to accomplish our task, the following key filters need to be established for you, personally:

1. YOUR PERSONAL COLOR PALETTE: Wear a color that is in harmony with your natural coloring. You may download the free  Do-it-yourself Color evaluation tool at PowerofAppearance.com. It will help you quickly establish your best harmony and contrast colors.

Did you know color is used as a tool for our brains in the memory process? Colors have cultural meaning that create reactions, as well.

It’s important to note that black doesn’t trigger memory at all. It’s great to wear as long as you accessorize with color. Black can be dramatic and provide great contrast to color. However, black or other neutrals are not good without an effective use of color preferably near your face. All black just doesn’t give the brain anything to hook onto to remember you. Wearing a solid silk scarf in one of your personal harmony or contrasting colors will solve the challenge and make sure you are memorable.

2. SHAPE, FIT, AND BEST SILHOUETTES: Have you heard of the Authority Principle? It is spelled out in the book and it works in your favor when wearing a tailored blazer or jacket. Respect is immediately assigned to you based on silhouette and the fit.

In the book, the main character learns where to hem and alter her garments based on another stylist tool, Indent’s Tool. At your virtual interview since no one can see your back, you may want to use pins to take in a jacket. It could allow for an indent at your natural waist to create the look of the perfect. Research shows that perfect fit empowers appearance. Think James Bond in his Bespoke suits.

3. FABRICS THAT REPRESENT QUALITY: Silk sets higher quality standards based on it’s long cultural and historic use. Adding a strip of silk at the neck will send a message of sophistication and accomplishment.

4. FRAME THE FACE: Often I ask my clients, “Who’s the star of your show?” In other words, not the shoes, not the hair, not the bag. When evaluating an outfit, everything should always support your face.  For your virtual interview it should definitely be your face. Just like any painting on your walls, add a frame and it rises in stature. Use your hair, make-up, and accessories as tools to frame your face. Think of them as supporting characters. This way you get all eyes on you and your presentation.

When adding scarves use your personal contrast colors for the most dramatic and memorable effect. Please stay away from busy prints. Sweeping or setting hair back away from your eyes is best.  Showing your eyebrows for expression will enhance your looks. 

Research tells us to beware that showing too much cleavage can cost promotions based on the decision makers.

Add quality jewelry if you have it to establish power. Both gold and silver hold cultural power that will translate to your appearance.

If you apply these tips, at your interview, YOU will be the star of the show!

Learn more about the Power of Appearance or Fashion, visit www.PowerofAppearance.com