Choice Matters

CHOICE is a psychological need, as explained in Susan Fowler’s newest book, Master Your Motivation. It got me thinking of wardrobe choices. A wardrobe that’s a true asset empower’s in ways you never dreamed possible!

Steps to Empower Your Appearance:

  1. Find which colors are in harmony to your coloring and discover the contrast ones that help you stand out and be remembered.
  2. Examine your personal body type. Locate your waistline by finding where it indents (you may be surprised to find it’s above where you thought). Same for arms, legs, neckline. Find your smallest areas and hem your garments to meet these indents.
  3. Find your personal aesthetic. Each of us has an aesthetic, developed primarily by our exposure growing up and as an adult. Spend some time at art galleries or museums looking at art, architecture. Take walks to see natural landscapes and natural beauty from the sky to the plants and flowers. Pick favorites!
  4. Find your personal style. Explore what personality you most admire and why? Check out their personal style of dress, accessorizing, and actions. Use them as a case study for finding your best style.
  5. Exposure to fashion. You can explore the couture collections for each season on Once there, search by the season and there will be a list of videos from the actual fashion weeks. Enjoy!

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How to Powerfully Differentiate Your Appearance

In business, most companies are frantic to differentiate their products as stand-outs. They know if they can reach that status, they might strike gold in the marketplace. Why? It offers a competitive advantage in a sea of competing products and services. It’s a proven strategy for success.

Let’s deconstruct this strategy and find the value in how to use it for your personal appearance.

Deconstruct: What makes a product a stand out? It’s usually two things: Price and Quality. Which of these appeals to you most? How do they differ in the long-term?

Important to note in those markets using price, sellers have learned the only way to keep a good customer base is with quality. No matter what products are created or promoted, if the customer doesn’t perceive value, there will be no competitive advantage.

Helping customers perceive value comes down to understanding their expectation and what can be acquired for them. What feelings will they gain with your product? How will it be used both practically, as well as perceived value? Product differentiation can raise expectations about quality standards acceptable to them.

Reconstruct: (What you need to know)

  • Fact #1: Appearance creates the first impression. Impressions are formed in a flash of 1 second before words are spoken or eye contact is made.
  • Fact #2: Clothing is a social process of negotiation and navigation (Susan B. Kaiser, Fashion and Cultural Studies). How to others feel about you based on your appearance. Do they choose you? Do they show respect?
  • Fact #3: Clothing is powerful non-verbal communication that screams your identity even when you are not aware. What identity are your clothing choices expressing on your behalf?
  • Fact #4: Clothing offers a way to differentiate, and at the same time communicate belonging to the group. People like people who are like themselves. Is there an unspoken dress code with your workmates, classmates, or social groups?

Solution: How to Stand out and Show up

Four ways to Differentiate using your personal strengths.

  • Colors that enhance your natural shades in hair, eyes, and skin tones. Contrast colors for stand-out presence. The brain uses color as a memory aid. You can also use it to be remembered.
  • Fabrics that express your identity. For example: Adding a silk scarf or tie in your contrast colors will express higher quality standards. Choosing quality fabrics in your clothing will give you a lasting style that speaks volumes about your value.
  • Fit that shouts sophistication. The ultimate example in well-fitted clothing is bespoke. James Bond stars put on a clinic on the power of a great fitted suit. Each of the James Bond leading characters had bespoke suits and clothing. What’s the big deal? Research shows bespoke clothing has higher marks in quality assigned to impressions. If you cannot afford a suit on Savile Row, the next best thing is to have one tailored or an off-the-rack item altered to your personal body. Find the indents such as waist and tailor exactly to your personal best shape.
  • Match degree of formality to your goals with the audience. Business formal = credible with authority. Casual = friendly and one of the crowd. If you are presenting to others with the goal of acceptance, first evaluate your audience. Who are they and what do they value. Adding business formal will be important to what you choose to wear. If you are going out to meet and have fun with friends or to a college campus to class, casual is your best option.

Express your best identity to your audience by empowering your appearance. You will have the advantage of positive assignments given to you by those who matter most. Dazzle them with your brilliance to confirm your amazing first impression. You Can Do It!

Empower your appearance with monthly ideas of how to achieve your best results.

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