What are you wearing?

What are you wearing today?

My first experience with the power of clothes was just before starting first grade. My mother made beautiful cotton dresses with big sashes for me. It was an act of love. She used the extra fabric to make a matching dress for my doll. I so valued those dresses and doll clothes.

A benefit that would serve me later on in my career was how I felt wearing the dresses. It was magical how a dress could turn me from a regular kid to a real princess! I’ve since learned this experience is called enclothed cognition. What you wear affects your performance and self-identity.

People complimented me when I was in one of the dresses. They were especially impressed to see my doll in the same dress. Much like wearing a stand-out accessory, it drew positive attention and spurred conversation. Now I realize it was the power of a first impression.

This gift from my mother helped set the foundation for a rewarding fashion career. It was nothing short of miraculous how she could create an entire life experience for me from a piece of cloth.

Impact your world… empower your appearance and enjoy the many benefits.